My NLGL Compass

I have learned a great deal throughout my graduate school experience here at NC State University.  The NLGL program has taught me the importance of engaging my students through the use of technology and projects that are based on real world application.  I have created so many wonderful tools in class that I have utilized with my students.  I have used this gained knowledge to create new and exciting activities for them over the past couple of years.  I have gained an invaluable amount of insight on the importance of staying current with educational research and teaching practices.  I have gained access and knoweldge of the resources that are available to me and plan to use them to keep my teaching current and 21st century based.  My guiding question- How can teachers use Technology and 21st century style learning in the classroom to engage their students? has provided me with a compass throughout the program.  It has helped me keep my focus on topics that are important and relevant to me as an educator.  I plan to continue to learn about new technology and ways to incorporate it into the classroom.  I also plan to stay current with 21st century style learning and ways to engage these students in today's ever-changing world.