Question 1: How can I use video clips that exhibit leadership to engage my students in their learning and leading?

Question 2: How can I inspire teachers at my school to feel confident leading one another in meaningful and relevant professional development?

Leading as a Teacher

I chose this picture to represent ECI 508- Teacher as a Leader.  It is here where I learned to be a leader within my school- to stand on my own two feet.  When I first entered the course I was very timid about leadership within my school and didn't feel confident in my ability to do so.  With the leadership of Dr. Pope I am beginning to stand up for myself and my team within my school.  I know that I am filled with wonderful ideas and knowledge and am becoming better at sharing this knowledge with confidence. 

Teacher Leadership is everywhere in the media!

One of my favorite assignments from Dr. Pope was where we had to find a video clip that exhibited teacher leadership.  My group chose to focus on Dead Poet's Society.  Robin William's character teaches his students the importance of standing up for what you believe in, even when you may be standing alone.  It was so engaging to watch all of the clips that other students found and shared in class.  It helped open my eyes to the different media portrayls of teachers.

In case you'd like to check them are the video clips that we found: 

·         Clip 1- 10:18-16:24 “Teaching styles”

John Keating is a new teacher at Welton Academy.  He takes a much different approach to teaching and strives to inspire and actively engage his students rather that use the typical “sit and get” method they are used to.

·         Clip 2- 27:00-28:03 “Resistance to Change”

Other teachers at the academy are incredibly resistant to Mr. Keating’s teaching style and are eager to let them know of their disapproval.

·         Clip 3- 41:51-44:41 “Reflection and Refraction”

Mr. Keating encourages his students to go against the grain in life.  He shows them that if you look at things through a different lens or change your perspective it can completely change your interpretation.

·         Clip 4- 1:59:50-2:05:18 “Awakening the Sleeping Giant”

Todd is the nervous student in the class.  He knows that Mr. Keating is wrongly terminated and even though he is timid, he is the first to stand up for him and lead the other students to do the same.  With effective leadership, Mr. Keating has not only taught poetry to his students, he has stimulated their ability to stand up for what they believe in and lead by example.

I decided to follow Dr. Pope's lead and do a little research on incorporating movie clips into my teaching.  At Combs we focus on teaching our students Dr. Covey's Habits of Highly Effective People.  Here are some of the clips I found that could be used to help my students see a real world/21st century connection to using Leadership in their everyday lives.  These particular video clips are now available on the video server at my school.

Eat That Frog
Every Monday Matters
Be Number One
Finish Strong 
Inspiration 365
Laughter is a Vacation 
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Standing Up For What You Believe In!

In ECI 508 we had an Advocacy Night.  Each student thought of an issue they'd like to address and then how they might take action.  I decided to write a letter to the editor of the News and Observer in response to the headlines that 8,700 teacher assistant positions will be cut with the new budget.  I am a HUGE advocate for teacher assistant positions in the lower elementary grades.  They are invaluable and provide so much support to the children.  Having an extra set of hands to help reinforce what I'm teaching, good behavior, etc. is VITAL when teaching so many young, impressionable children at once.  24 six years olds in one classroom is a lot for one person to handle.  Imagine being responsible for teaching them to read and write as well!  

Please click the link below to see the letter I am going to send to the News and Observer:

Advocacy Night

The Importance of Relevant, Quality Professional Development

I conducted a research project on the importance of professional development in the school system.  I came up with an idea for getting teachers to share their craft knowledge with one another, rather than spending lots of district money on professional development that is expensive and irrelevant to many teachers. 

Please click the attachment below to read more about this initiative!

Leadership Project